In an impressive display of teamwork and commitment to excellence, STS has completed the 2024 Turnaround (TA) at PDO’s Yibal Khuff Plant ahead of schedule. The TA, held from October 01st to October 21st, marks a milestone in safe, efficient, and high-quality industrial maintenance.
The scope of the Yibal Khuff TA was extensive, involving the maintenance of around 500 key pieces of equipment, including heat exchangers, vessels, tanks, columns, and incinerators. In addition, STS executed 21 project tie-ins and modifications to major plant components, such as columns and furnaces. Piping and additional equipment works were also tackled within the TA window, made possible by a 1,600-strong team working in shifts around the clock. Their efforts culminated in an impressive 400,000 man-hours of work, all completed without a single Lost Time Injury (LTI).
This commitment to safety, quality, and collaboration enabled PDO and STS to achieve completion eight days ahead of schedule—a true testament to what can be accomplished when teams work seamlessly towards a common goal. The success of this TA reflects a deep commitment to the highest standards in HSE performance and timely delivery of business goals.
This achievement has inspired both PDO and STS management to carry forward the good practices and lessons learned for future Turnarounds and Shutdowns, underscoring the effectiveness of well-coordinated teamwork in reaching new heights in the oil and gas industry.